Saturday, December 1, 2018

Paint the town

Riverton's been given the once-over-brightly by a group of funky, invited young artists who have given their all to make our village beautiful - and they've succeeded in doing just that! There's still a day to go, but already, were' looking picturesque in ways we never expected to. Here's a sample of their wonderful works.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Flowerheads - flax (nga korari harakeke)

They're particularly robust this year - more angular, bolder,  gruntier! I wonder why?

Friday, November 9, 2018

Goodness, I've been negligent! So few posts lately and all because I've been...busy, but I'm guessing, so have you! My garden is in "boom" mode and has been for a few weeks now, and most of my "work" has involved mulching down overly exuberant plants, such as wild chervil and alexanders. While those are taking some managing, they produce and abundance of "blanketing" for everything else and ensure the carbon content of my soil continues to grow significantly. here are a few views of my forest garden as it looks right now - healthy, green, vibrant and fruitful - what could be better!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Chilean rhubarb, red currants, cherry blossom, Rokewood apple, Moses-in-a-basket.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018

I roto koawa

Back to the valley I went, after 14 years absence; I knew I was getting close when I saw this:

As the mauka tapu hove into view, I was reminded of its many, many kanohi:

Then into the valley itself and a delightful feeling of familiarity.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Big, colourful haws

This year, I've Chinese and Mexican hawthorn fruits; haws that is, plump, yellow and red.


It's the time of the year for burning prunings from the apple trees.

Leaden sky

A neighbour's house against a foreboding sky.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


A very kind plantsman from the far north sent me two boxes filled with katakana plants to go with this single specimen I planted here 3 years ago. I'm keeping them in the warmth till springtime as they don't liked to be chilled and will perish if I'm not careful.
